
How to Choose Tile for Your Fireplace Remodel

How to Choose Tile for Your Fireplace Remodel

When you walk into a home on a cold day, whether the room is big or small, you’re automatically drawn to the fireplace. It is often the center of the room and can affect the look of the entire space. Because of the big impact that it has on the entire space, when you think about redoing or installing tile around the fireplace, you want to give it careful thought. There is more to consider than just the design of the tiles but also their durability. Here in Ontario, winters can get harsh and Grout Restoration Works knows that. We can help clean and repair tiles wherever they may be, that includes around the fireplace. If you’re wanting to remodel that space here are some factors, you want to consider:


Tile durability is especially important when you are dealing with a wood fireplace, but it can also be applied to a gas fireplace. When it comes to the wall tiles, it gives it a nice fireproof barrier. You don’t need any grade of durability because most all tiles will be able to withstand high temperatures brought on by the heat of the fire. Tile can even withstand the quick temperature changes a fireplace brings on. It is a different story though when you are considering the tile that is directly below the fireplace, on the floor which is also called the hearth. This tile needs to be floor grade tile because of how rough it will be treated. Typically, chopped wood sits on this tile, as well as your fire poker, brush, and tongs. As we all know, these are bound to fall over at some point so it’s important that you have a durable grade of tile for the hearth.


Once you have the grades in mind, you’re then able to go about picking the style and design that you want. When it comes to the design, you’ll want to remember that it is the center of your room. It will draw a lot of attention and even help set the mood. Based on why you’re remodeling, you can either make the fireplace a focal point of the room or cause it to flow along with the rest of the look of the home, making it a nice accent point. The tile that you choose will determine which you make the fireplace.

When it comes to your tile fireplace, there are so many different options that you can choose. One of those options is to have your current tile cleaned and resealed, bringing back its original beauty. Grout Restoration Works can make your tile look brand new again! Give us a call today if you would like a free home evaluation.

By Grout Restoration Works 12-18-2019

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