
Should You Use Tile Outside

Should You Use Tile Outside

With summer about us you might be thinking about all the projects that you have lined up. Among those projects you might have thought about some landscaping. Landscaping can truly beautify the home and bring you a sense of comfort when you have it just right. Within that you may have been debating whether to put tile in your yard as a path or to actually install it on your porch. Regardless of what you might be thinking about doing, Grout Restoration Workswants to help you make the best decision when it comes to your outdoor tile.

Type of Tile

There are a number of different tiles that you can use when it comes to all of the different types of tile, not all of them are rated for outdoor use. Some tiles are more fragile than others. While others aren’t as suitable for water. So which tiles are good for outdoor use?

Porcelain is going to be your best bet. This type of tile is rated differently depending on what you are wanting it for. There are some that are rated for commercial use which means that it is able to withstand a huge amount of traffic and water. Remember that all porcelain is ceramic but not all ceramic is porcelain. For it to be considered porcelain it has to be kiln-fired at a higher temperature than just ceramic. In doing this, you have a more durable and water-resistant tile.

Natural Stone tile is a little bit different. When it comes to natural stone there is more of a selection that is both durable and water resistance. Limestone, slate, and travertine are among the different types of natural stones that you can put as your garden path. These different types of stones will each in themselves have their own strengths and weaknesses. It might come down to purely what look you prefer.

To Grout or Not to Grout

You may just want to put tile down on your lawn and make a path. However, you may want to actually install them on your porch. If you’re considering that then you will have to investigate a couple of things first. You want to make sure that the concrete you’re going to lay your tile down on has settled and is no longer shifting. If it has settled, then you are probably going to need to add some cement when laying the tile to get it level. If you don’t do this, you can end up with a bunch of cracked tiles over time.

Grout Restoration Works is able to help you when it comes to tile and grout repairs. Whether you have tile inside your home or outside your home, we are here to help make sure that it is beautiful and clean. If you have cracked tiles, we can even replace them so that your tile surface looks as good as the first day it was installed. Give us a call today if you would like a free evaluation!

By Grout Restoration Works 6-1-2020

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